Picture of Anton Paar MCR 302 Rheometer.

Anton Paar MCR 302 Rheometer

Our rheometer is equipped with a Building Material Cell (BMC) which enables measuring the rheological properties of various slurry-based infrastructure materials, including cement paste/ mortar, clay slurries, etc. 

 Picture of Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF).

Energy Dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF)

This energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer can be used for rapid qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements in a wide variety of sample types — from oils and liquids to solids, metals, polymers, powders, pastes, coatings, and thin films

Picture of Thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA).

Thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA)

The thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA-550, TA instruments) can determine sample composition by measuring the weight of each component as it volatilizes or decomposes under controlled conditions of temperature of up to 1000ᴼC.

Picture of Isothermal calorimeter.

Isothermal calorimeter

The isothermal calorimeter (TAM Air-8-channel, TA instruments) can monitor the heat flow during cement hydration in a temperature range of 5 to 90ᴼC. Additional admix ampoules can be used to evaluate the effects of chemical admixtures or activators on cement hydration.

Picture of Dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) analyzer.

Dynamic vapor sorption (DVS) analyzer

DVS (Q5000 SA, TA instruments) has the capability to perform sorption analysis of materials under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. It can operate at a temperature range of 5 to 85ᴼC and 0 to 98% RH. Vapor sorption isotherms are useful to evaluate nano to micro-structural porosity and specific surface area of composite materials, including hydrated cement paste and ceramics.

Picture of ATR- FTIR.


Nicolet ATR FTIR is commonly used to characterize cement hydration and carbonation reaction products. 

Picture of Compression Machine.

Compression Machine

MC-300 Series Concrete Compression Machines have 300,000lbf (1,335kN) capacities and meet or exceed stringent ACI 363 recommendations. They can be outfitted with accessory fixtures to accommodate compressive strength testing of many different sized cubes, cores, masonry prisms, and cylinders, as well as flexural beam specimens.

Picture of Parr pressure vessel reactor.

Parr pressure vessel reactor

This parr reactor can tolerate up to 1900psi at 350 deg Celcius. It has gas purging fixtures. 

Chloride permeability meter

The rapid chloride permeability meter is used to measure the resistance of concrete against the penetration of chloride according to the standard methods such as ASTM C1202, AASHTO T277, and ASTM C1760. The measurement data can be used to estimate the chloride diffusion coefficient of concrete for the service life prediction and design of concrete structures as well as the durability-based quality control of cement-based materials.

Picture of Carbonation chamber

Carbonation chamber

The carbonation chamber can be used to expose samples to an environment containing up to 30% CO2 concentration at controlled relative humidity and temperature.

Picture of Planetary Ball mill.

Planetary Ball mill

The Planetary Ball Mill is designed for mixing, fine grinding, and preparing small volume high-tech material production, which features with small volume, high efficiency, low noise, and lock clamps. It has four ball grinding tanks installed on one turning plate. When the plate rotates, the tank axis makes the planetary rotation in opposite directions and the balls in the tanks grind and mix samples in high-speed movement. The product can smash and blend various products of different materials and granularity with dry or wet methods.

Picture of High Temperature Furnace.

High Temperature Furnace

This furnace can be operated at 1700 degree Celsius continuously. It has a capacity of 36L. The gas route is built to allow inert gas into the chamber and the safety door lock prevents the furnace door from opening by accident during operation. This furnace is generally used to synthesis cement compounds and aluminosilicate glasses. 

Low Speed Diamond Saw

This low-speed diamond saw can be used for cutting, dicing, and slicing brittle composites including ceramics and cement-based materials. It comes with a digital micrometer, digital speed display as well as complete accessories. It accepts 6-inch and 4-inch cutting blades.

Picture of Auto-Shrink


The Auto-Shrink system measures the unrestrained autogenous shrinkage of a specimen of cement paste or mortar cured under sealed conditions (ASTM C1698, Test Method for Autogenous Strain of Cement Paste and Mortar). Auto-Shrink permits evaluation of the relative autogenous shrinkage potential of different cementitious systems. Excessive autogenous shrinkage may lead to microcracking that increases the permeability of concrete.